Our top 10 of the weirdest year ever 2020 is in!
And these are the winners:
1. P06 ‘Dandelion’
A classic one, the dandelion. The card is used for condolences, as well as good luck, just to express your sympathy for someone, to send out wishes,…
Designed by Jolien.
2. A31 ‘happy…’
How cool, this card always appears in our top 10 since it’s launched. You really appreciate the multiple choices for multiple occasions and the humor of this one, I guess?! Designed by Joachim.
3. A54 ‘cassette fuck you’re old’
Always making people smile, even with the dirty f-word on it. People just like to be remembered by the good old times when things appeared to be much more simple, especially in uncertain times like these.
4. D12 ‘washing line’
A cute one on place 4! Especially during times like these, when people can not visit the newborns, sending out a card to congratulate the parent(s) on their little, cute baby is pretty much on trend. Designed by Joachim.
5. D25 ‘stork with baby’
Another one for the newborns! I love this one as well, since it combines the more romantic idea of a stark carrying the little baby and people taking pictures with their phone (even a selfie). Designed by Esther.
6. C17 ‘I heart you’
Most of the times the most simple message and drawings are the bestsellers, right?! This is the perfect example! The design is just so simple and that’s what makes it beautiful. Designed by Joachim.
7. A58 ‘Stay wild’
This one on place 7, that always amazes me. I (Jolien) really like the card (I designed it myself ). But I did not think it would turn out to be a bestseller. I guess other people relate to it as much as I do and that fact makes me very positive about the future!
8. C06 ‘hearts’
For all love(rs) out there. An oldie as well, one of the cards designed for the very first series of letterpress cards we made. By Jolien.
9. D18 ‘alarm clock manager’
Based on our own life (which card isn’t? ) this card is very popular since… it is true! Hahaha. Designed by Jolien
10. A37 ‘i wish you…’
This card appears in our top 10 since forever! Haha. People just like the humor and the possibility to choose a message. Designed by Joachim (or was it Jolien? I do not remember… oops).
And I can not not mention this fun fact:
On place 13: F64 ‘all the other cards were really shit’. Haha. I guess this puts all the other cards, bestsellers and my analysis in perspective. Designed by Joachim (he designs all the cards with the ‘bad handwriting’ stuff… hihi)