It was 2018. In an impuls Jolien signed up for this concours by Unizo (= union for self-employed in Belgium) called ‘Handmade in Belgium Award’.
I mean, what did we have to loose?
Nothing! We gained! A lot!
We won the Handmade in Belgium Award for our district (East-Flandres).
We met some really nice fellow makers (you can check other Handmade in Belgium Makers over here!),
got this beautiful award and made friends with Unizo.
But I think the best of all was: we had to pitch our company to a jury.
So we had to take the time to put a few things in words: our values, our story, our goals.
The pitch went well,
and we got some good questions afterwards from the jury that made us think even more about what we want to stand for.
By now I think if we would have to pitch our company again, it would be even more clear, more vision, and even more passion (is that even possible? I don’t know 😃)
This pitch for Unizo gave us that little push of self-esteem we needed to get us further, to make this blog, to get on more stages in real life and virtual.
So thank you Unizo for this award,
and the label.
A label for Belgian Makers ==> loving it!
(photo credits: Unizo)
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